Fri Mar 14 2025 19:28:14 CDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1038 TAO ORB tao-support NEW --- Deadlock on client after socket failure due to insufficient buffer space or because queue was full 2007-09-20
982 TAO ORB tao-support ASSI --- $TAO_ROOT/tests/Oneway_Buffering test fails 2001-10-01
943 TAO SSLIOP P ossama.othman RESO FIXE Multi-threaded applications using TAO with SSLIOP 2002-01-07
1020 TAO ORB bala RESO FIXE Client crash when TAO_Transport closes a connection, race condition 2003-08-14
1202 TAO ORB bala RESO FIXE ORB crashes if peer exits or dies while running nested event loops 2002-11-30
1277 TAO other tao-support RESO FIXE Meta bug for 1.3 release 2003-10-01
6 bugs found.
