Fri Mar 14 2025 09:32:24 CDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3234 TAO Interfac tao-support NEW --- ifrservice should have controlled way to shutdown 2018-01-15
3442 TAO Interfac tao-support NEW --- ifrservice doesn't compile with unicode enabled 2018-01-15
2381 TAO Interfac tao-support ASSI --- IFR database corruption leading to IFR_Service crash 2018-01-15
3699 TAO Interfac tao-support ASSI --- InterfaceRepo/Persistence_Test crashes the IFR 2018-01-15
3882 TAO Interfac tao-support ASSI --- tao_ifr creates idl module CORBA w/o prefix 2018-01-15
3960 TAO Interfac tao-support ASSI --- Interface repository stores incorrect information of inherited interfaces. 2018-08-29
6 bugs found.
