ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
1869 | TAO | AMI | tao-support | NEW | --- | AMI doesn't survive failed invocations | 2007-09-20 |
3730 | TAO | AMI | tao-support | NEW | --- | Unmarshalling/invoking AMI replies rapidly leads to deep recursion and Seg Fault (worked in 1.4.8) | 2009-10-15 |
3813 | TAO | AMI | tao-support | NEW | --- | Disable all synchronous methods | 2010-01-19 |
3909 | TAO | AMI | tao-support | NEW | --- | AMI replies handled differently depending on ORB initialization order | 2010-10-07 |