Thu Mar 13 2025 03:18:20 CDT
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1962 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Problem with assembly 2018-01-15
3047 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Spec non-compliant servant generation 2010-04-23
3441 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Fix event port compatibility 2018-01-15
3613 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- IDL3_to_XMI fails when build with xerces3 2011-06-20
3899 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- CIAO Container handler can only create session containers 2018-01-15
3904 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Session_Servant_Impl::get_component needs to be reworked 2018-01-15
3906 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Deployment_Common::get_implementation 2018-01-15
3935 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- ciao containerer handler should be able to create its own orb 2010-11-29
4065 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- Connector_Servant_Impl_Base::get_connections 2012-08-14
4085 CIAO CIAO Con tao-support NEW --- CIAO can not handle <portName>supports</portName> correctly. 2013-01-22
10 bugs found.
