For bugs about TAO

Select a component to see open bugs in that component.

Component Default Assignee
AMH DOC Center Support List (internal)
AMI DOC Center Support List (internal)
AV Streams DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO Audio/Visual Streaming Service
CIAO DOC Center Support List (internal)
For Component-Integrated ACE ORB, i.e., TAO CCM implementation.
Concurrency Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's impl. of the CORBA Conc. Serv. its tests and examples
CosEvent Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's impl. of the CORBA Event Serv. its tests and examples
DynamicAny DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's DynamicAny implementation.
Example DOC Center Support List (internal)
Any files in TAO_ROOT/examples not covered by other module
Fault Tolerance Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Fault Tolerance service.
IDL Compiler DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's CORBA IDL compiler
Implementation Repository DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's Implementation Repository, its tests and examples
Installation Guide DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's installation guide
Interface Repository DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Interface Repository
LifeCycle Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA LifeCycle Serv. its tests and examples
Load Balancer DOC Center Support List (internal)
Service that ensures load is balanced across replicas
Logging Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's Logging service and the CORBAtelecom Logging service
Name Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the Name Service, its tests and examples.
Notification Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Notification Service
On-line Help DOC Center Support List (internal)
Any file in TAO_ROOT/docs
ORB DOC Center Support List (internal)
Components related to the TAO ORB core.
orbsvcs DOC Center Support List (internal)
The orbsvcs library, i.e. everything in TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/orbsvcs
other DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO component that doesn't fit under any of the existing components.
Performance Test DOC Center Support List (internal)
Anything under TAO_ROOT/performance-tests not covered by other module
POA DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's impl. of the Portable Object Adapter, the POA tests and examples
Portable Interceptors DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's Portable Interceptor implementation
PortableGroup DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's PortableGroup library
Real-Time Event Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's real-time Event Service, including tests and examples
Reference Manual DOC Center Support List (internal)
Reference documentation
RTCORBA DOC Center Support List (internal)
Real-Time CORBA component(s) in TAO.
Scheduling Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's real-time Scheduling Service
Security Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Security Service
Smart Proxies DOC Center Support List (internal)
Support for Smart Proxies in the ORB and/or the IDL compiler
SSLIOP Pluggable Protocol DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's IIOP over SSL "drop-in" pluggable protocol replacement for IIOP
Test DOC Center Support List (internal)
Any test in $TAO_ROOT/tests not covered by other component
Time Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Time Service.
Trading Service DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA Trading Service.
TypeCodeFactory DOC Center Support List (internal)
TAO's implementation of the CORBA TypeCodeFactory interface.
ZIOP DOC Center Support List (internal)
ZIOP and Compression