Back to bug 946

Who When What Removed Added
parsons 2001-06-19 08:40:43 CDT Assignee tao-support parsons
Summary Problem with filling IFR IFR does not handle recursive types.
parsons 2001-06-19 08:41:33 CDT Status NEW ASSIGNED
ossama.othman 2001-06-19 17:08:32 CDT Component Implementation Repository Interface Repository
parsons 2003-11-26 09:29:08 CST CC yurii.kantonistov
ossama.othman 2004-04-12 14:12:58 CDT Assignee parsons j.parsons
ossama.othman 2004-04-12 14:14:58 CDT Status NEW ASSIGNED
j.parsons 2006-02-10 10:49:45 CST Status ASSIGNED RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
bjeram 2007-12-07 03:35:48 CST Status RESOLVED REOPENED
Resolution FIXED ---
j.parsons 2010-01-15 08:59:25 CST CC jwillemsen
jwillemsen 2010-02-02 04:45:45 CST Blocks 3819
jwillemsen 2010-02-02 04:48:15 CST Blocks 3819
bjeram 2010-05-31 04:13:56 CDT Version 1.1.17 1.7.8
jwillemsen 2010-05-31 04:18:12 CDT Status REOPENED RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED

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