Bug 3656

Summary: Naming service from opensuse build service RPM does not start
Product: TAO Reporter: John Fletcher <john.fletcher>
Component: Name ServiceAssignee: DOC Center Support List (internal) <tao-support>
Severity: normal CC: ken
Priority: P3    
Version: 1.6.9   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Bug Depends on: 3335    
Bug Blocks:    

Description John Fletcher 2009-04-24 13:53:55 CDT
The naming service from the opensuse build service tao-cosnaming-1.6.9-6.1.x86_64.rpm will not start.

Executable is installed as /usr/sbin/tao-cosnaming

It is run as a service from script /etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming

This script invokes it with the --daemon option but that option no longer seems to be present in version 1.6.9

> /usr/sbin/tao-cosnaming -h
usage:  /usr/sbin/tao-cosnaming -d -o <ior_output_file> -p <pid_file_name> -s <context_size> -b <base_address> -m <1=enable multicast, 0=disable multicast(default) -f <persistence_file_name> -u <storable_persistence_directory (not used with -f)> -r <redundant_persistence_directory> -z <relative round trip timeout>

Compare the earlier version...

> /usr/sbin/tao-cosnaming -h
usage:  /usr/sbin/tao-cosnaming -d -o <ior_output_file> -p <pid_file_name> -s <context_size> -b <base_address> -m <1=enable multicast, 0=disable multicast(default) -f <persistence_file_name> -u <storable_persistence_directory (not used with -f)> -r <redundant_persistence_directory> -z <relative round trip timeout> --daemon [run in background as daemon]
Comment 1 Johnny Willemsen 2009-04-28 02:02:30 CDT
Comment 2 John Fletcher 2009-04-28 11:34:47 CDT
Someone else having a problem with this:

Read and respond to this message at: 
By: roland35

Hi everybody,

I built the system with the suse ace and tao packages. But the naming service
do not start, trying it in the normal way (registering in the runlevel editor
for runlevels 3 and 5 and doing "start now"). Their is an Error message saying
"exit with error7, service is not running". Building the system with the ace
and tao packages from ingex, it works.

thanks in advance,

best regards, roland35
Comment 3 Johnny Willemsen 2009-04-28 12:27:10 CDT
it is on my todo list, but probably it will take another few weeks to get to this, commercial work has highest priority
Comment 4 Johnny Willemsen 2009-05-01 02:44:36 CDT
The first thing that has to be done is check whether the -orbdeamon does work and whether --deamon is still needed
Comment 5 John Fletcher 2009-05-01 05:09:16 CDT
(In reply to comment #4)
> The first thing that has to be done is check whether the -orbdeamon does work
> and whether --deamon is still needed

I tried editing /etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming, changing --daemon to -orbdaemon

This worked partially.  From command line, it seemed fine

# /etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming start
Starting TAO naming service:                                         done
# /etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming stop
Shutting down TAO naming service:                                    done

However, from YaST, System, System Services (Runlevel), it doesn't seem to get the required return value.  When starting the service, you get a popup "tao-cosnaming start" which stays there for a while and then eventually says "/etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming start returned nil (unspecified error)"

Usually you would quickly get "/etc/init.d/tao-cosnaming start returned 0 (success)"

Comment 6 John Fletcher 2009-07-24 14:35:18 CDT
The --daemon option was provided by the patch:

See comments for revision 85102 of ACE/rpmbuild for the reason that patch was removed.
Comment 7 Ken Sedgwick 2009-07-25 13:42:48 CDT
I still use the ace-tao-orbsvcs-daemon.patch in my packages ...

Comment 8 John Fletcher 2009-07-27 03:26:22 CDT
(In reply to comment #7)
> I still use the ace-tao-orbsvcs-daemon.patch in my packages ...

Ken, what is the background to that patch?


Comment 9 Ken Sedgwick 2009-07-27 12:08:11 CDT
Pls see bug #3335 for the latest patch and backgound.


Comment 10 Johnny Willemsen 2009-10-15 06:57:48 CDT
added dep
Comment 11 Johnny Willemsen 2009-10-19 07:15:23 CDT
Mon Oct 19 12:15:04 UTC 2009  Johnny Willemsen  <jwillemsen@remedy.nl>

        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-cosconcurrency:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-cosevent:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-cosnaming:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-cosnotification:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-costrading:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-fedora/rc.d/init.d/tao-rtevent:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-cosconcurrency:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-cosevent:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-cosnaming:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-cosnotification:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-costrading:
        * rpmbuild/ace-tao-init-suse/init.d/tao-rtevent:
          Use -ORBDeamon instead of --deamon
Comment 12 Johnny Willemsen 2009-10-19 07:15:30 CDT
Mon Oct 19 12:13:06 UTC 2009  Johnny Willemsen  <jwillemsen@remedy.nl>

        * orbsvcs/IFR_Service/IFR_Service.mpc:
          Use tao_idl_fe base project

        * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Daemon_Utilities.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Daemon_Utilities.h:
        * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Svc_Utils.mpc:
          New helper class which checks for -ORBDeamon and when this is specified
          it calls ACE::deamonize()
Comment 13 Johnny Willemsen 2009-10-19 07:20:01 CDT
Mon Oct 19 12:18:06 UTC 2009  Johnny Willemsen  <jwillemsen@remedy.nl>

        * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Makefile.am:
          Add Daemon_Utilities

        * orbsvcs/Naming_Service/Naming_Service.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/Naming_Service/Naming_Service.mpc:
          Use Deamon_Utilities to handle -ORBDeamon in the naming service. This
          is because -ORBDeamon doesn't work for these services due to bugzilla
          3335. This is related to bugzilla 3656
Comment 14 Johnny Willemsen 2009-10-20 07:11:00 CDT
Tue Oct 20 12:09:06 UTC 2009  Johnny Willemsen  <jwillemsen@remedy.nl>

        * orbsvcs/Concurrency_Service/Concurrency_Service.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/Concurrency_Service/Concurrency_Service.mpc:
        * orbsvcs/CosEvent_Service/CosEvent_Service.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/Event_Service/Event_Service.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/Event_Service/Event_Service.mpc:
        * orbsvcs/Notify_Service/Notify_Service.cpp:
        * orbsvcs/Notify_Service/Notify_Service.mpc:
        * orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Trader/Trading_Loader.cpp:
        * MPC/config/tao_notify_service.mpb:
          Handle -ORBDeamon in these services directly, this is a work around
          until bugzilla 3335 gets resolved. This fixes bugzilla 3656
Comment 15 Johnny Willemsen 2009-11-01 05:25:07 CST