Bug 947

Summary: Problem with #pragma prefix
Product: TAO Reporter: Bogdan Jeram <bjeram>
Component: IDL CompilerAssignee: Jeff Parsons <parsons>
Severity: normal CC: bjeram
Priority: P3    
Version: 1.1.17   
Hardware: x86   
OS: Linux   

Description Bogdan Jeram 2001-06-19 07:09:21 CDT

Assume that we have those two files:


#pragma prefix "AAA"



#include <a.idl>

module modb {
  interface b {


Important here is:
#pragme prefix in first file (a.idl)
and #include <a.idl> in second file (b.idl)

I generate skelet for b (tao_idl b.idl)

and there is in bS.cpp in _interface_repository_id() (and somewhere else) this 


I don't know is this is OK ? Maybe shold be just (becaus there is no prefix 
directive in b.idl):


The problem is if I put the file b.idl (and ofcourse a.idl) into IFR.
There is information for interface b just: modb/b and not AAA/modb/b so there is 
mismatch between IFR and Skeleton !!

So I don't know if this is wrong behavior of IFR or IDL complier.

Best Regards

Bogdan Jeram
Comment 1 Jeff Parsons 2001-06-19 08:10:36 CDT
Yet another duplicate of 129.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 129 ***