Thu Mar 13 2025 03:12:32 CDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3324 TAO Name Ser christoph.hofmann NEW --- Extend ACE_TMAIN 2008-06-18
1947 TAO Name Ser tao-support NEW --- Deadlock in naming service. 2008-03-31
2522 TAO Name Ser tao-support NEW --- Enhancement to Redundant and Flat-file implementation of the Naming Service 2006-04-27
2081 TAO Name Ser evgeniy_balandin NEW --- Naming_Service.exe spontaneously stops when is started as child process of service 2005-12-27
1266 TAO Name Ser tao-support ASSI --- Flat-file NS persistence implementation does not allow NS distribution 2007-02-22
1870 TAO Name Ser tao-support ASSI --- Only first client can add a NamingContext when statically linked. 2004-07-19
341 TAO Name Ser bala RESO --- TAO_Naming_Client::resolve () fails if CosNaming::Name::length > 1 2001-06-11
7 bugs found.
