Bug 341 - TAO_Naming_Client::resolve () fails if CosNaming::Name::length > 1
Summary: TAO_Naming_Client::resolve () fails if CosNaming::Name::length > 1
Alias: None
Product: TAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Name Service (show other bugs)
Version: 1.0.4
Hardware: SPARC Solaris
: P1 normal
Assignee: Nanbor Wang
Depends on:
Reported: 1999-09-23 16:55 CDT by Nanbor Wang
Modified: 2001-06-11 14:16 CDT (History)
0 users

See Also:


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Description Nanbor Wang 1999-09-23 16:55:10 CDT
If I use CosNaming::Name with length greater than 1 I am able to do a normal
bind. But a call
to TAO_Naming_Client::resolve in this case fails.

A sample code is available in /project/doctmp/bala/name_service. First start the
naming service.
Write the output IOR to a file ie. Start Naming_Service with -o option . Please
try executing the server by the following command.

./server -ORBInitref IOR=file://(file where the IOR is stored).

The following exception is thrown
user exception, ID 'IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext/NotFound:1.0'

This does not happen if the length of CosNaming::Name is 1.
Comment 1 Marina Spivak 1999-09-23 17:33:59 CDT
Simple_Naming tests, which we run daily on most platforms, include a complex
name resolve (in the tree test).  From auto compile logs I can see that the
tests ran fine on danzon egcs on Sept. 20 (last log available for this
combination).  Bala, please make sure Simple_Naming tests work for you.  If
they do - there must be a problem with how you are using this stuff, or your
description of the problem.
If they don't - you should be referencing those tests as not working in the bug
report, and not some code in your directory, if you want any help ;-)
Comment 2 Nanbor Wang 1999-09-23 20:13:59 CDT
Figured out what was going wrong.