Sat Nov 30 2024 22:01:43 CST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3082 TAO Portable tao-support NEW --- force users to include PI/PI.h and/or PI_Server/PI_Server.h 2011-11-02
1599 TAO Portable mitosys NEW --- submitted patch for DSI interceptors 2006-12-06
4013 TAO Portable tao-support NEW --- PROCESSING_MODE_POLICY_TYPE has been assigned a wrong value 2012-03-27
4198 TAO Portable tao-support NEW --- receive_request server interceptor not called for DSI servant invocations 2015-01-27
3307 TAO Portable john_c ASSI --- Shutdown race involving ORBInitializer_Registry 2008-04-26
1592 TAO Portable tao-support ASSI --- postinvoke is called after the send_reply/send_other/send_exception interception points 2009-06-19
282 TAO Portable kirthika RESO --- We need a better interceptor managing mechanism in ORB 2001-02-14
425 TAO Portable nanbor RESO --- interceptors only work for first orb. 2001-02-14
280 TAO Portable nanbor VERI --- Request ID's do not get updated properly from invocation to invocation 2001-02-14
9 bugs found.
