Thu Mar 13 2025 03:18:21 CDT
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14 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3286 TAO SSLIOP P iliyan NEW --- Transport::IIOP::Current segmentation fault when using SSLIOP 2008-05-20
2272 TAO SSLIOP P john_c NEW --- Wrong SSLIOP tag in IMRified server 2007-04-03
683 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- SSLIOP_Acceptor incorrectly uses the same SSL component for all objects 2006-04-21
731 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- The IIOP_SSL_Connector class may not be needed. 2007-12-19
1594 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Randomize the default SSLIOP accept() timeout value. 2006-04-21
2822 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- SSLIOP fails with ipv6 2007-08-08
3048 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Server aborts with SSLIOP configuration 2007-08-20
3087 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- CSD incompatible with SSLIOP 2018-10-30
3100 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- SSLIOP problem when also using strategies and messaging 2007-10-17
3197 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Add SSLIOP test with private connection policy and pool of threads 2008-01-16
3600 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Add support for NSS as SSL library 2009-03-03
4018 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Using SSLIOP with a TAO client strategy that uses non-blocking recv socket call may chop one byte from beginning of the data 2012-05-08
1622 TAO SSLIOP P tao-support NEW --- Race condition in TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint can cause crash 2006-04-21
1157 TAO SSLIOP P cleeland ASSI --- User not able to specify no authentication on a per object basis. 2007-03-27
14 bugs found.
