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TAO VERSION: 2.0.7 ACE VERSION: 6.0.7 HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: Client: Windows 7 Enterprise x64 (ACE 6.0.7 + TAO 2.0.7 with SSL: openssl-1.0.0g), Winsock 1.1 TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST: Server: Linux Centos 5.8 x64 (jvm running with OpenORB 1.4.0 + SSL 1.4.0) COMPILER NAME AND VERSION (AND PATCHLEVEL): Visual Studio 2010 SP1 & Visual Studio 2008 SP1 THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h: #include "ace/config-win32.h" My build notes follow (nothing special except including the ssl build): ----------- (build notes ) ----------- Preparations & modifications to build later ACE+TAO-6.0.7 with SSLIOP support (4 combinations: VC9/10 & 32/64-bit!) --- config.h --- #include "ace/config-win32.h" --- config.h --- Release builds modified to have also debug info to be built! Exploit multi-cpu's while building (/MP added) ssl=1 So MWC tool must be used to create new VS project files and the solution file set ACE_ROOT=D:\basedir\Corba\ACE+TAO-6.0.7\ACE_wrappers set TAO_ROOT=%ACE_ROOT%\TAO cd %TAO_ROOT% %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ -type vc9 -name_modifier *_vc9_vx TAO_ACE.mwc %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ -type vc10 -name_modifier *_vc10_vx TAO_ACE.mwc --------- Note: correct openssl platform (same 4 combination!) must have been pre-built and env variable pointing to it, e.g. SSL_ROOT=D:\basedir\Corba\openssl-1.0.0g Only project SSLIOP is needed to be built (all the related projects are automatically build with it!) ----------- (build notes ) ----------- SYNOPSIS: Using SSLIOP with a TAO client strategy that uses non-blocking recv socket call may chop one byte from beginning of the data DESCRIPTION: Simple client - server: client (ACE+TAO) makes requests and server (OpenORB) replies. Slow network (=VPN over internet) Using SSLIOP with a TAO client strategy that uses non-blocking recv socket call: --- svc.conf (non-blocking recv) --- dynamic SSLIOP_Factory Service_Object * TAO_SSLIOP:_make_TAO_SSLIOP_Protocol_Factory() "-SSLAuthenticate NONE" static Resource_Factory "-ORBProtocolFactory SSLIOP_Factory" --- svc.conf (non-blocking recv) --- Read 1 byte successfully (=G of string GIOP!) => n times read failure - Resource temporarily unavailable errno 10035 (=normal, no data available, yet!) => finally data available, read in xxxx bytes (in one or more chunks) => TAO_GIOP_Message_State::parse_magic_bytes, bad IIOP header: magic word [49,4f,50,01] (=string IOP and 01!) => error (=the byte 'G' got chopped errorneously from the real data) REPEAT BY: Repeatable every time there's at least one "too fast recv" call: SSLIOP_Transport[3460]::recv, read failure - Resource temporarily unavailable errno 10035 Makes no difference if the build is VS2008/VS2010 or 32/64-bit Extract from level 10 log file: TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::drain_queue_helper, end of data TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue, byte_count = 456 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue, after transfer, bc = 0, all_sent = 1, ml = 0 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::drain_queue_helper, byte_count = 456, head_is_empty = 1 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::drain_queue_i, helper retval = 1 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::make_idle TAO (7016|6052) - Cache_IntId_T::recycle_state, ENTRY_BUSY->ENTRY_IDLE_AND_PURGABLE Transport[3460] IntId=000000000B53EF10 TAO (7016|6052) - Leader_Follower[3460]::wait_for_event, (leader) enter reactor event loop TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input_parse_data, enter TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input_parse_data, read 1 bytes TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460, retval = 0 TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input_parse_data, enter TAO (7016|6052) - SSLIOP_Transport[3460]::recv, read failure - Resource temporarily unavailable errno 10035 TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460, retval = 0 TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input_parse_data, enter TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input_parse_data, read 1032 bytes TAO (7016|6052) - GIOP_Message_State::parse_message_header_i TAO (7016|6052) - TAO_GIOP_Message_State::parse_magic_bytes, bad IIOP header: magic word [49,4f,50,01] TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::handle_input, error parsing incoming message TAO (7016|6052) - Resume_Handle::handle_input_return_value_hook, handle_input returning -1, so handle is not resumed. TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::handle_input_internal, handle = 3460/3460, retval = -1 TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::close_connection_eh, purging entry from cache TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::pre_close TAO (7016|6052) - Transport_Cache_Manager_T::mark_connected, false Transport[3460] TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::purge_entry, entry is 000000000B53EF00 TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue_i, cleaning up complete queue TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue_i, discarded 0 messages, 0 bytes. TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::close_connection_eh, removing from the reactor TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::close_connection_eh, cancel all timers TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue_i, cleaning up complete queue TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::cleanup_queue_i, discarded 0 messages, 0 bytes. TAO (7016|6052) - TAO_LF_CH_Event[3460]::state_changed_i, state LFS_SUCCESS->LFS_CONNECTION_CLOSED TAO (7016|6052) - Connection_Handler[3460]::close_connection_eh end TAO (7016|6052) - Leader_Follower[3460]::wait_for_event, (leader) exit reactor event loop TAO (7016|6052) - Synch_Twoway_Invocation::wait_for_reply, recovering after an error TAO (7016|6052) - Transport[3460]::~Transport SAMPLE FIX/WORKAROUND: Use of blocking recv calls (-ORBClientConnectionHandler RW): --- svc.conf (blocking recv) --- dynamic SSLIOP_Factory Service_Object * TAO_SSLIOP:_make_TAO_SSLIOP_Protocol_Factory() "-SSLAuthenticate NONE" static Resource_Factory "-ORBProtocolFactory SSLIOP_Factory -ORBFlushingStrategy blocking" static Client_Strategy_Factory "-ORBTransportMuxStrategy EXCLUSIVE -ORBClientConnectionHandler RW -ORBConnectStrategy blocked" --- svc.conf (blocking recv) ---