Thu Mar 13 2025 03:09:18 CDT
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3335 TAO orbsvcs iliyan NEW --- TAO orbsvcs fail to daemonize when -ORBDaemon is specified. 2009-10-15
1668 TAO orbsvcs pgontla NEW --- PSDL generated code will not compile 2003-12-08
2302 TAO orbsvcs sm NEW --- manipulating "merged IOR" has side effects on orinal IORs 2010-04-23
3020 TAO orbsvcs tao-support NEW --- TAO service rolling log files using svc.conf _make_ACE_Logging_Strategy() doesn't work 2009-12-29
3292 TAO orbsvcs tao-support NEW --- Is TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/FtRTEvent/UUID.h + .cpp + .inl Redundant? 2008-04-09
3317 TAO orbsvcs tao-support NEW --- Code duplication in logging and notification constraint visitors 2018-01-15
110 TAO orbsvcs pgontla ASSI --- scheme for the orbsvcs leaves the user without control over collocation of servants 2002-03-25
1136 TAO orbsvcs tao-support ASSI --- TAO_PropertySet::get_properties and delete_all_properties not conform with CosPropertyService standard 2002-02-16
428 TAO orbsvcs tao-support RESO --- IOR generated by Event_Service on win98 contains an invalid tag 2000-02-17
345 TAO orbsvcs marina CLOS --- CosNaming::NameComponent destructor causes crash 2000-12-03
10 bugs found.
