Bug 428 - IOR generated by Event_Service on win98 contains an invalid tag
Summary: IOR generated by Event_Service on win98 contains an invalid tag
Alias: None
Product: TAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: orbsvcs (show other bugs)
Version: 1.0.9
Hardware: x86 Windows 98
: P2 normal
Assignee: DOC Center Support List (internal)
Depends on:
Reported: 2000-02-16 05:30 CST by Sandro Doro
Modified: 2000-02-17 23:27 CST (History)
0 users

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Description Sandro Doro 2000-02-16 05:30:42 CST

  I am running a standard Name_Service in {NT, Linux} box and run Event_Service
on a win98 box. When I look at IOR, the Event_Service (and Schedule_Service)
contain a more long profile. Looking with NamingViewer utility I see two
2. unknow 54414F02       <-----

Also using catior (in a Linux box) the result is same:

reading the file /tmp/a4

here is the IOR
decoding an IOR:
The Byte Order: Little Endian
The Type Id:    "IDL:RtecScheduler/Scheduler:1.0"
Profile Count:  1
IIOP Version:   1.1
  Host Name:    SECRETARY
  Port Number:  1077
  Object Key len:   27
  Object Key as hex:
  14 01 0f 00 52 53 54 f1 81 aa 38 a0 f7 03 00 00
  00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
  The Object Key as string:
  The component <0> has tag <0>
    Component Value len:    8
    Component Value as hex:
    01 cd cd cd 00 4f 41 54
    The Component Value as string:
  The component <1> has tag <1>
    Component Value len:    20
    Component Value as hex:
    01 cd cd cd 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 01 00
    00 00 00 00
    The Component Value as string:
  The component <2> has tag <1413566208>
    Component Value len:    4
    Component Value as hex:
    01 cd 00 00
    The Component Value as string:
Profile Count:  2
  unknown tag 1413566210 skipping    <------ in hex is 54414F02
catior returned true

Note: If I try to start Event_Service with -ORBEndpoint iiop://1.1@HOST:PORT the
IOR is correct.
Comment 1 Carlos O'Ryan 2000-02-17 23:27:59 CST
This is not a bug the IOR is the new shared memory protocol. I have updated
catior to print the correct protocol when it finds a SHMIOP profile.
I'm not sure if Win98 supports shared memory or not, but it should not be a
problem in any case.