Bug 261 - gperf core dumps when built with KAI C++ 3.3e
Summary: gperf core dumps when built with KAI C++ 3.3e
Alias: None
Product: ACE
Classification: Unclassified
Component: ACE gperf (show other bugs)
Version: 5.0.3
Hardware: SPARC Solaris
: P2 normal
Assignee: Nanbor Wang
Depends on:
Reported: 1999-08-25 14:37 CDT by Ossama Othman
Modified: 2000-02-12 15:32 CST (History)
0 users

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Description Ossama Othman 1999-08-25 14:37:39 CDT
../src/gperf -a -p -c -l -S1 -o ./c.gperf > cinset.cpp
Segmentation Fault - core dumped
Comment 1 Ossama Othman 1999-08-25 14:39:59 CDT
Added compiler information to summary
Comment 2 Carlos O'Ryan 1999-08-27 10:41:59 CDT
Nanbor is building with KAI, he knows if the bug is relevant or not and if it
has been fixed.
Comment 3 Nanbor Wang 1999-08-27 12:07:59 CDT
I'll take a look after I finish the phase 1 work of interceptors.
Comment 4 Nanbor Wang 2000-02-12 15:32:59 CST
The bug no longer exist. (It got fixed magically. ;-)