Bug 3101 - Blank lines cause deployment to fail
Summary: Blank lines cause deployment to fail
Alias: None
Product: CIAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DAnCE (show other bugs)
Version: 0.6.1
Hardware: All Windows XP
: P3 enhancement
Assignee: Will Otte
Depends on:
Blocks: 3253 3576
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Reported: 2007-10-17 15:11 CDT by Abdul Sowayan
Modified: 2009-02-19 08:30 CST (History)
0 users

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Description Abdul Sowayan 2007-10-17 15:11:45 CDT

In prior versions of DAnCE, blank lines in the NodeManangerMap.dat (at the bottom) were okay, and the application would deploy successfully. While I was updating the tutorial in $CIAO_ROOT/docs/tutorial/Quoter and $CIAO_ROOT/examples/Null_Component, I noticed that blank lines (as shipped in the distribution) cause the deployment to fail with a cryptic error displayed (unhandled C++ exception) and a segmentation fault. I've gone ahead and fixed the tutorial and Null Component, and other dat files I could find. 

Couldn't DAnCE though handle this more gracefully?


Wed Oct 17 17:18:04 UTC 2007  Abdullah Sowayan  <abdullah.sowayan@lmco.com>

        * DAnCE/TargetManager/descriptors/NodeDetails.dat:
        * DAnCE/TargetManager/descriptors/NodeManagerMap.dat:
        * DAnCE/tests/scripts/BasicSP/basicsp.dat:
        * docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/descriptors/Stock.dat:
        * examples/BasicSP/descriptors/BasicSP.dat:
        * examples/Display/descriptors/NodeManagerMap.dat:
        * examples/Hello/descriptors/NodeManagerMap.dat:
        * examples/Hello/descriptors_RTCCM/NodeManagerMap.dat:
        * examples/Hello/descriptors_events/NodeManagerMap.dat:
        * examples/Hello/descriptors_events/NodeManagerMapTwoHosts.dat:
        * performance-tests/Benchmark/descriptors/test-multi-process.dat:
        * performance-tests/Benchmark/descriptors/test.dat:
        * performance-tests/Protocols/descriptors/test.dat:
        * tests/Bug_2130_Regression/descriptors/TestNodeManagerMap.dat:

          Removed blank lines. Blank lines now cause the deployment to fail.
Comment 1 Will Otte 2009-02-19 08:30:15 CST
This appears to be fixed in the refactored branch.