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With this config.h: #define ACE_HAS_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER 1 #define ACE_DOESNT_INSTANTIATE_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER 1 #include "config-win32.h" programs such as TAO_IDL fail on startup because they don't have an Object_Manager instance. That's right: this configuration explicitly says not to create an Object_Manager instance. A workaround is to add ACE::init ()/ACE::fini () calls to main (). It would be nice to do this to TAO_IDL, gperf, etc. But, only if we have time.
Reported by: Dmitri Katchalov <>
I'm closing the bug. I don't see a valid use for that config.h, and Dmitri didn't respond to my request for the motivation for it.