Sat Nov 30 2024 21:49:57 CST
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22 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3202 TAO Notifica wernke.zur.borg NEW --- Incomplete return value from CosNotifyFilter::Filter::add_constraint() 2008-03-28
2531 TAO Notifica lothar NEW --- ETCL_Constraint misbehaves with CORBA::ULongLong and CORBA::LongLong 2008-03-28
2048 TAO Notifica midnightdf NEW --- Cannot filter structured events containing user-defined IDL structs 2008-02-14
2049 TAO Notifica midnightdf NEW --- Structured events containing a user-defined IDL struct with an enumeration field never received by non-TAO ORBs 2008-02-14
3921 TAO Notifica rbourtem NEW --- Notification service leaks at subscribing/unsubscribing 2011-01-24
3387 TAO Notifica seibel_r NEW --- Notification Service fails to send to reconnected consumer (edge case) 2008-08-05
2796 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- setting default values for QoS and Admin Properties in Notification Service is not compliant with spec 2008-01-11
3289 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- Reimplement all monitors in the notification service 2008-05-16
3297 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- pragma prefix NotifyExt.idl 2008-04-22
3305 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- Refcounting issue 2008-04-24
3343 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- Add bidir support 2008-06-17
3484 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- Filter constraints don't completely follow the spec 2008-10-31
3650 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- orbsvcs/Notify/POA_Helper.cpp 2009-04-24
4062 TAO Notifica tao-support NEW --- Notification Service: crash during deactivation 2012-08-06
2855 TAO Notifica totten_s NEW --- Notification tests are not reliable. 2007-03-16
3053 TAO Notifica totten_s NEW --- Notify_Service naming service cleanup 2007-08-22
3054 TAO Notifica totten_s NEW --- Notify_Service Ctrl-C hangs 2007-08-22
3062 TAO Notifica totten_s NEW --- Notify_Service subscription management not reporting removals 2007-08-22
2900 TAO Notifica elliott_c ASSI --- notify_service raises system exception 2008-03-24
1675 TAO Notifica elliott_c ASSI --- Rework TAO_Notify_Properties not to be a singleton 2007-08-08
4154 TAO Notifica tao-support ASSI --- Boolean value packaged in the value field of a CosNotification::StructuredEvent filterable_data element is not extracted correctly 2014-05-13
2818 TAO Notifica iliyan REOP --- Notification service core dumps when using -ORBDaemon param 2008-03-31
22 bugs found.
