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ETCL_Constraint misbehaves with CORBA::ULongLong and CORBA::LongLong in TAO_ETCL_Literal_Constraint::comparable_type of ETCL_Constraint CORBA::ULongLong and CORBA::LongLong are mapped to TAO_ETCL_UNSIGNED and TAO_ETCL_SIGNED, but the code in TAO_ETCL_Literal_Constraint::TAO_ETCL_Literal_Constraint (CORBA::Any * any) only extracts short and long, but no longLong. It also has only a (u)long storage defined in ETCL_Constraint.h
Hi Lothar, thanks for the bug report. This problem is unlikely to be fixed unless you volunteer to fix it and/or contact one of the commercial support companies! thanks, Doug
to the generic pool
just accept for generic pool, no idea when someone has time for this.
to Lothar, do you have patches/tests for this?
No I don't. But it is pretty obvious that a 32bit variable won't be able to hold a 64 bit value.