Bug 1313 - DIOP and UIPMC protocols break reference counting rules
Summary: DIOP and UIPMC protocols break reference counting rules
Alias: None
Product: TAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: ORB (show other bugs)
Version: 1.2.4
Hardware: All All
: P3 normal
Assignee: DOC Center Support List (internal)
Depends on:
Blocks: 1277
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Reported: 2002-09-25 10:15 CDT by Carlos O'Ryan
Modified: 2002-09-25 17:55 CDT (History)
0 users

See Also:

Proposed fixes. (1.22 KB, patch)
2002-09-25 10:18 CDT, Carlos O'Ryan

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Description Carlos O'Ryan 2002-09-25 10:15:47 CDT
The XXX_Connector class in both protocols (too much C-w programming?) use a
naked delete for a reference counted object.
Will attach patches shortly.
Comment 1 Carlos O'Ryan 2002-09-25 10:18:30 CDT
Created attachment 145 [details]
Proposed fixes.
Comment 2 Carlos O'Ryan 2002-09-25 10:20:01 CDT
I have no time to write down a regression test, but it looks like you are at
risk every time the ORB is destroyed (when configured with these protocols.) 
Since we have an easy patch for it might as well make sure that it gets fixed
before the next release.
Comment 3 Nanbor Wang 2002-09-25 15:46:00 CDT
Could you please check the patches in as they seem good. Thanks
Comment 4 Carlos O'Ryan 2002-09-25 17:55:38 CDT
Fixed, please check the following ChangeLog entry for details:

Wed Sep 25 17:17:49 2002  Carlos O'Ryan  <coryan@atdesk.com>