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TAO VERSION: 1.2.5 (CVS 2002-10-31) ACE VERSION: 5.2.5 HOST MACHINE, TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: WINDOWS 2000 SERVER COMPILER NAME AND VERSION (AND PATCHLEVEL): MS VC++ 6.0 SP4 AREA/CLASS/EXAMPLE AFFECTED: 0xc0000005 Access Voilation DOES THE PROBLEM AFFECT: COMPILATION? No LINKING? No EXECUTION? Yes SYNOPSIS: I run one TAO test program under this version. And I found there are some defects during connection closing. I use these strategies in svc.conf: static Server_Strategy_Factory "-ORBconcurrency thread-per-connection" static Client_Strategy_Factory "-ORBTransportMuxStrategy exclusive" If the server is down, the client process receive the TCP connection close exception in select, it call the Connection_Handler::close_connection_eh and also hold the pointer to IIOP_Connection_Handler in the ORB_run's thread( assumed id is 1). But if one of client thread (assumed id is 2) return from the wait_for_event because the state change by the send_connection_closed_notifications in the handle_input_i or Connection_Handler::close_connection_eh (I use leader_follower strategy); it call raise_service_comm_failure and then come in IOP_Connection_Handler::close_connection, and this connection handler is same as thread 1, there are some problem: 1) If somewhere thread 1 is blocked, thread 2 decrement refcount of this conneciton_handler in "transport(0)" and the decr_refcount in the end of close_connection_eh, the refcount will be 0, so thread 2 delete the connection_handler, but the thread 1 have been in close_connection_eh, if it read/write some member of the conneciton_handler then it is accessing some deleted memory, the behavior will be undefined. 2) The behavior will depend on the execution sequence of the threads, maybe it will be different in two CPU's machine on which these thread bound to different LWP/kernel threads. 3) Even if the thread 1 will always execute in front of thread 2, this will can emerge these circumstances that when thread 1 call "delete this" thread 2 is processing some data of "this". I think it is caused by a few threads accessing the shared connection_handler's close_connection at the same time which will "delete this", so we should insure only one thread will call close_connection. And both of the close_connection and raise_service_comm_failure process the shared XXX_transport, this should be synchronized strictly too. I consider whether we can modify it like this: 1) Not call send_connection_closed_notifications in the TAO_Transport::handle_input_i or others input process methods, because if the connection has broken, we can get it from the select system call and process this circumstance in the handle_close. This will keep the follower thread wait until the connection closed. 2) Not call state_changed in the close_connection_eh before transport(0), because transport(0) will call it. After transport(0) we will wakeup the follower thread but it can not get the event_handler pointer because it has been set zero in transport(0), and the transport is protected by ref_count, so it will be OK. Maybe these thougths are incomplete or incorrect, I hope you can tell me how to solve this problem or whether my solution is viable. Thanks!! Wanjia
Same bug as 1020.
Duplicate of bug 1020 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1020 ***