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Support IIOP 1.2 in the ORB
This is a valid enhacement request, i'm marking it as accepted but their implementation is deferred
I guess this is mine, but i won't this one alone.
Simply accepting the bugs.
Bala has taken the lead in this project, i'll just be supporting and consulting for him.
I am accepting it
I am accepting the bug. I think I made a mistake the last time when I tried to accept the bug.
I have cleared the resolution of fixed
Some of the exceptions that are returned by the server cannot be handled in a Endpoint_per_priority case. Need to fix once the RT Corba stuff addresses this properly. Otherwise this should be ready for use.
We need to still fix wstring alignment for GIOP1.2. We now align it based on GIOP 1.1 spec. We also need to fix nested upcalls with TP reactors with BiDir GIOP. With these two #137 can be closed.
I think the ORB now supports GIOP 1.2. Can this PR be closed? If there are additional issues related to GIOP, they can be entered as new PR's.
Craig is right. The bug is "fixed", I am sure there might be specific problems with IIOP1.2, but we should open new bugzilla entries for them.