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tao_ifr seems to fail to load some IDLs which conatain nested structures and unions definitions. Strangely it processes without error declaration like this: ... struct event4d { double t; point3d p; sequence<event4d> events; union EventValues switch(long) { case 0: long longValue; case 1: sequence<event4d> eventValue; } value; }; ... but fails on bigger IDL files which have more structures and unions. IDL files I have are too big to be inserted in here, I will send them via email upon your request. tao_ifr gives following messages: d:\bbms\idlchk>tao_ifr -ORBInitRef InterfaceRepository=corbaloc::FILV3446:2298/InterfaceRepository mgrpfemsmomd.idl (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor.cpp:1562) ifr_adding_visitor::element_type - lookup_id failed (2012|2900) EXCEPTION, visit_sequence system exception, ID '' TAO exception, minor code = 0 (unknown location; unspecified errno), completed = NO (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor_structure.cpp:113) ifr_adding_visitor_structure::visit_scope - failed to accept visitor (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor_structure.cpp:173) ifr_adding_visitor_structure::visit_structure - visit_scope failed (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor.cpp:90) ifr_adding_visitor::visit_scope - failed to accept visitor (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor.cpp:223) ifr_adding_visitor::visit_module - visit_scope failed (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor.cpp:90) ifr_adding_visitor::visit_scope - failed to accept visitor (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\ifr_adding_visitor.cpp:1249) ifr_adding_visitor::visit_root - visit_scope failed (C:\ACE_wrappers\TAO\orbsvcs\IFR_Service\be_produce.cpp:278) BE_produce - failed to accept visitor Fatal Error - Aborting
Hi Yurii, Please upgrade to TAO version 1.3.5 and see if you still have these problems. You can download TAO 1.3.5 from If you need to use TAO 1.3 please contact Malcolm Spence <> for commercial support.
The example contains a recursive struct. It is well-documented that the TAO IFR does not yet support recursvie types. Marking this bug as a duplicate of 946. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 946 ***