Bug 2132 - Event channels lock up when net cable is disconnected
Summary: Event channels lock up when net cable is disconnected
Alias: None
Product: TAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CosEvent Service (show other bugs)
Version: 1.4.1
Hardware: x86 Linux
: P1 critical
Assignee: Pradeep Gore
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-25 21:53 CDT by Rick Marlborough
Modified: 2005-05-26 09:00 CDT (History)
0 users

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Description Rick Marlborough 2005-05-25 21:53:11 CDT
We are using event channels in a distributed system. We have a need for fault 
tolerance in the system. If we pull the network cable from between 2 machines, 
one running a channel and one runniing a consumer, the processes involved lock 
up for a period of around 4 to 5 minutes. We need to configure this to be as 
short as possible.
Comment 1 Johnny Willemsen 2005-05-26 02:27:24 CDT
Have a look at the CECConsumerControl and CECConsumerControlPeriod options as
described in TAO/docs/cec_options.html.

The x.4.5 version also has CECProxyDisconnectRetries.
Comment 2 Rick Marlborough 2005-05-26 09:00:42 CDT
The consumer controls parameters for the svc.conf file do not solve the issue.