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tao_idl passes badly params that contain 2 (or more) escaped double quotation marks \", it seems to all of them, except the first one of them and therefore the C preprocessor fails and returns with error. EXAMPLE (define VER has to be a string in the CODE): tao_idl -Yp,cpp -DVER=\"1.1\" ../idl/omg/CosNotification.idl cpp: 1.1: No such file or directory cpp: warning: '-x c' after last input file has no effect cpp: no input files tao_idl: preprocessor "cpp" returned with an error tao_idl -DVER=\"1.1\" ../idl/omg/CosNotification.idl 1.1: command line: fatal: cannot open 1.1: No such file or directory cc: acomp failed for 1 /tmp//tao-idli_zLaqFJ.cpp: tao_idl: preprocessor "cc" returned with an error IMHO, the quotations are lost somewhere in ACE_Process::spawn(). Another problem is that i'm not sure tao_idl handles escaped quotations correctly, it just doesn't takes care about such format values (as much as i can see from the code).
I'll accept this one for now, although I've downgraded its severity to 'minor' since it seems to affect only one preprocessor. We are considering the adoption of a dedicated preprocessor for the IDL compiler, rather than having it use the native one, which practice has led to many headaches in the past similar to this one.