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TAO VERSION: 2.2.1 ACE VERSION: 6.2.1 HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: Debian 7.0 on x86_64 COMPILER NAME AND VERSION (AND PATCHLEVEL): g++-4.7 THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h: config-linux.h THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU FILE: platform_linux.GNU AREA/CLASS/EXAMPLE AFFECTED: TAO_IDL compiler DOES THE PROBLEM AFFECT: COMPILATION? YES SYNOPSIS: tao_idl -Ce option does not generate warning/error DESCRIPTION: Given case.idl: typedef short Something; interface Foo { void bar (in Something something); }; tao_idl case.idl should generate warning/error about identifier name and type spelling differ only in case (since -Ce is documented as default). It doesn't. tao_idl -Ce case.idl behaves same.