Bug 984 - ORB crashes after deletion of an Event Channel.
Summary: ORB crashes after deletion of an Event Channel.
Alias: None
Product: TAO
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CosEvent Service (show other bugs)
Version: 1.0.16
Hardware: x86 Windows NT
: P3 normal
Assignee: DOC Center Support List (internal)
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-07-23 10:36 CDT by Stephen McElduff
Modified: 2001-08-06 14:06 CDT (History)
0 users

See Also:


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Description Stephen McElduff 2001-07-23 10:36:59 CDT
Using code from both the OCI TAO Developer's Guide (Vers 1.1a) and the various
samples, my program blows up after deleting an Event Channel object. 
The problem seems to be related to the "destruction caused" by the deleting of 
an Event Channel on subsequent operation of the ORB. Removal of the "delete EC" 
code enables the program to keep on running.

The Event Channel being used is a Push Supplier. No data need be pushed through
the EC for the problem to appear.

I have been corresponding with, and have written and provided a sample program 
that illustrates the problem to people at UCI. Should anyone else be interested 
in acquiring the small program with the problem in it, please contact me @ 
Comment 1 Irfan Pyarali 2001-08-06 14:06:03 CDT
Reassigned to tao-support.
Comment 2 Irfan Pyarali 2001-08-06 14:06:33 CDT